The voluntary return of Armenian migrants to Armenia has paramount importance for the Armenian Fund for Sustainable Development (AF4SD). We need our compatriots in an irregular situation in destination countries to come back and live decent lives in Armenia.

The sustainability of the reinstallation of Armenian migrants hinges on successful social and economic reintegration.

The AF4SD is one of the leading non-state actors ensuring this core component for returnees in Armenia.

With the financial support of the EU, OFII , BAMF and AAAS, we have supported thousands of returnees since 2005 through the implementation of various assisted voluntary return and reintegration projects.

More than 385 income-generated activities have been created.

The Return and Reintegration Forum, organized regularly by the Armenian State Migration Service , is the central place for exchanging experiences and best practices among the main stakeholders, such as OFII, ICMPD, IOM, Caritas, People in Need  and others.

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|Our Work |Migration|Voluntary return|AI and Migration|