Women’s Empowerment in Armenia

With a specific focus on women whose husbands were killed or disabled during the 2020 war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, our overall objective is to reduce poverty and enhance women’s empowerment in Armenia.

We firmly believe empowering women is crucial for creating positive change and achieving sustainable development.

By providing the necessary support, resources, and training, we aim to improve vulnerable women’s and their families’ lives, enabling them to become self-sufficient and financially independent.

The Saint Sarkis Charity Trust and Association Armenienne d’Aide Sociale have been working together for several years to sustainably strengthen the social protection of vulnerable women in Armenia.

We achieve this by organizing vocational trainings and facilitating the creation of small businesses.

Through these initiatives, we empower women to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to generate income, support their families, and build a brighter future.

By creating a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable women, we envision a future where these women can break free from the cycle of dependency and lead dignified lives and build a more equitable future for all.

With the crucial support of  Saint Sarkis Charity Trust we put in place a social and economic reintegration program for vulnerable women. Through vocational training and small business creation, the project ensures the sustainability of assistance.

In 2022, 18 income-generating activities and 18 vocational trainings were organized. The Saint Sarkis Charity Trust continued to support the program, and in 2023, 21 vocational trainings and 22 small businesses were funded, including for refugee women.

The “Vulnerable Women Empowerment” project is supported by Saint Sarkis Charity Trust. 

AF4SD-Saint Sarkis Charity Trust Funding-4
Capacity-building training, May 12, 15 2023
AF4SD-Saint Sarkis Charity Trust Funding-1
Capacity-building training, May 12, 15 2023
Capacity-building training, May 12, 15 2023
Capacity-building training, May 12, 15 2023